Class Shout3DApplet


public class Shout3DApplet
extends java.applet.Applet
implements Shout3DViewer


See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
 Shout3DPanel panel
          The panel in which this applet will display its Shout3D rendering
Fields inherited from class java.awt.Component
Constructor Summary
          Constructs a Shout3DApplet
Method Summary
 void addJSDeviceObserver(java.lang.String typeName, java.lang.String methodName)
          Adds a DeviceObserver that will call back to the page
 void addJSFieldObserver(java.lang.String theNode, java.lang.String theField, java.lang.String methodName)
          Adds a FieldObserver that will call back to the page
 void addJSRenderObserver(boolean onPreRender, java.lang.String methodName)
          Adds a RenderObserver that will call back to the page.
 boolean addRoute(Field fromField, Field toField)
          Adds a route that copies values from 'fromField' to 'toField' each time that fromField's value changes.
 void clearResourceCaches()
          Clears the cache of loaded resources, freeing the memory that holds them.
 Node createNodeFromString(java.lang.String stringToParse)
          Creates and returns Shout3D node by parsing the string given as an argument.
 boolean deleteRoute(Field fromField, Field toField)
          Removes any existing route from fromField to toField Returns true if a route existed and was removed, false otherwise Note: Routes of ArrayFields copy by reference, not by value.
 Clock getClock()
          Gets this viewer's Clock
 java.awt.Component getComponent()
          Returns the Java Component in which the viewer is displayed
 Bindable getCurrentBindableNode(java.lang.String typeName)
          Returns a reference to the currently bound node of the given type.
 DeviceListener getDeviceListener()
          Gets this viewer's DeviceListener
 Picker getNewPicker()
          Gets a new Picker
 Searcher getNewSearcher()
          Gets a new Searcher
 Node getNodeByName(java.lang.String nodeName)
          Gets a Node by its DEF Name Returns null if no node is found with the given name
 java.lang.String getNodeSearchPath()
          Returns a copy of the current node search path.
 java.lang.String getProfile()
          Gets a string denoting the profile of the current scene.
 Renderer getRenderer()
          Gets this viewer's Renderer
 ResourceListener getResourceListener()
          Gets this viewer's ResourceListener
 Group getScene()
          Gets the scene in the Viewer
 java.lang.String getVersion()
          Gets a string denoting the version of this viewer.
 void init()
          Applets that override this method must call super.init() within their own init() method, or the Applet will not work correctly
 void initShout3DPanel()
          Initializes the panel.
 boolean isAntiAliased()
          Returns whether antialiasing is enabled
 boolean isBilinearFiltering()
          Returns whether bilinear filtering is enabled on textures
 boolean isLoadResourcesInSeparateThread()
          Returns whether resources should are being loaded in a separate thread.
 boolean isPanelAutoFillsApplet()
          Returns whether this applet's panel will automatically reshape itself to fill the entire size of this applet.
 boolean isPixelDoubling()
          Returns whether pixel doubling is enabled.
 boolean isPixelDoublingSmooth()
          Returns true if pixel doubling is enabled and the style in use is smooth style.
 boolean isRenderLoopPaused()
          Gets whether the rendering loop is currently paused
 boolean isRouted(Field fromField, Field toField)
          Checks if a route currently exists from fromField to toField
 void loadURL(java.lang.String[] url, Node root)
          Loads an URL into the node root.
 void renderOnce()
          This method will render one frame if the render loop is paused.
 void setAntiAliased(boolean newVal)
          Sets whether antialiasing is enabled.
 void setBilinearFiltering(boolean newVal)
          Sets whether bilinear filtering is enabled on textures.
 void setLoadResourcesInSeparateThread(boolean newVal)
          Sets whether resources (textures and sounds) should be loaded in a separate thread from the main thread.
 void setNodeSearchPath(java.lang.String newSearchPath)
          Sets the search path for finding new nodes.

When loading a class for a node from a VRML97 or s3d file, the
packages are searched in the order given by a path contained in
a string.
 void setPanelAutoFillsApplet(boolean newVal)
          Sets whether this applet's panel will automatically reshape itself to fill the entire size of this applet.
 void setPixelDoubling(boolean enabled, boolean useSmoothStyle)
          Sets whether pixel doubling is enabled on the view.
 void setRenderLoopPaused(boolean isPaused)
          Sets whether the rendering loop should be paused
 void setScene(Group root)
          Replaces the scene in the Viewer This includes applying all of the applet parameters (headlight, anti-aliasing, etc) to the newly loaded scene.
 void setSceneFromURL(java.lang.String[] url)
          Loads an URL into the viewer's scene.
 void start()
          Applets that override this method must call super.start() within their own start() method, or the Applet will not work correctly
 void stop()
          Applets that override this method must call super.stop() within their own stop() method, or the Applet will not work correctly
Methods inherited from class java.applet.Applet
destroy, getAppletContext, getAppletInfo, getAudioClip, getAudioClip, getCodeBase, getDocumentBase, getImage, getImage, getLocale, getParameter, getParameterInfo, isActive, newAudioClip, play, play, resize, resize, setStub, showStatus
Methods inherited from class java.awt.Panel
Methods inherited from class java.awt.Container
add, add, add, add, add, addContainerListener, countComponents, deliverEvent, doLayout, findComponentAt, findComponentAt, getAlignmentX, getAlignmentY, getComponent, getComponentAt, getComponentAt, getComponentCount, getComponents, getInsets, getLayout, getMaximumSize, getMinimumSize, getPreferredSize, insets, invalidate, isAncestorOf, layout, list, list, locate, minimumSize, paint, paintComponents, preferredSize, print, printComponents, remove, remove, removeAll, removeContainerListener, removeNotify, setFont, setLayout, update, validate
Methods inherited from class java.awt.Component
action, add, addComponentListener, addFocusListener, addInputMethodListener, addKeyListener, addMouseListener, addMouseMotionListener, addPropertyChangeListener, addPropertyChangeListener, bounds, checkImage, checkImage, contains, contains, createImage, createImage, disable, dispatchEvent, enable, enable, enableInputMethods, getBackground, getBounds, getBounds, getColorModel, getComponentOrientation, getCursor, getDropTarget, getFont, getFontMetrics, getForeground, getGraphics, getHeight, getInputContext, getInputMethodRequests, getLocation, getLocation, getLocationOnScreen, getName, getParent, getPeer, getSize, getSize, getToolkit, getTreeLock, getWidth, getX, getY, gotFocus, handleEvent, hasFocus, hide, imageUpdate, inside, isDisplayable, isDoubleBuffered, isEnabled, isFocusTraversable, isLightweight, isOpaque, isShowing, isValid, isVisible, keyDown, keyUp, list, list, list, location, lostFocus, mouseDown, mouseDrag, mouseEnter, mouseExit, mouseMove, mouseUp, move, nextFocus, paintAll, postEvent, prepareImage, prepareImage, printAll, remove, removeComponentListener, removeFocusListener, removeInputMethodListener, removeKeyListener, removeMouseListener, removeMouseMotionListener, removePropertyChangeListener, removePropertyChangeListener, repaint, repaint, repaint, repaint, requestFocus, reshape, setBackground, setBounds, setBounds, setComponentOrientation, setCursor, setDropTarget, setEnabled, setForeground, setLocale, setLocation, setLocation, setName, setSize, setSize, setVisible, show, show, size, toString, transferFocus
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public Shout3DPanel panel
The panel in which this applet will display its Shout3D rendering
Constructor Detail


public Shout3DApplet()
Constructs a Shout3DApplet
Method Detail


public void init()
Applets that override this method must call super.init() within their own init() method, or the Applet will not work correctly
init in class java.applet.Applet


public void start()
Applets that override this method must call super.start() within their own start() method, or the Applet will not work correctly
start in class java.applet.Applet


public void stop()
Applets that override this method must call super.stop() within their own stop() method, or the Applet will not work correctly
stop in class java.applet.Applet


public void initShout3DPanel()
Initializes the panel. Subclasses need only override this method to create a subclass of Shout3DPanel, and set the member variable 'panel' to refer to the newly created Shout3DPanel.


public final Renderer getRenderer()
Gets this viewer's Renderer
the renderer


public final Clock getClock()
Gets this viewer's Clock
the clock


public final Picker getNewPicker()
Gets a new Picker
the Picker


public final Searcher getNewSearcher()
Gets a new Searcher
the Searcher


public final DeviceListener getDeviceListener()
Gets this viewer's DeviceListener
the DeviceListener


public final ResourceListener getResourceListener()
Gets this viewer's ResourceListener
the ResourceListener


public final Node getNodeByName(java.lang.String nodeName)
Gets a Node by its DEF Name Returns null if no node is found with the given name
the Node


public final void setNodeSearchPath(java.lang.String newSearchPath)
Sets the search path for finding new nodes.

When loading a class for a node from a VRML97 or s3d file, the
packages are searched in the order given by a path contained in
a string. This string may contain multiple directories,
separated by semicolons.

This method allows users to change the search path. Users may
add their own packages to this list. The new packages are assumed
to be specified relative to the codebase directory. For example,
by including "mynodes" to the search path, nodes will be sought in
the diretory codebase\mynodes.

Default Search Path:
The default value for the search path is

There are 2 keywords which may be used in the search path string.
-- DEFAULT stands for the entire default search path. Hence,
the search path "DEFAULT;mynodes" will first search the 4
default directories, followed by looking in the "mynodes"
package within codebase.
-- RELATIVE_TO_CODEBASE stands for the codebase directory itself.

Qualifying a package name in the model file:
Nodes within model files may be qualified "in place."
For example, a model file may contain the following:
Shape {
appearance Appearance {}
geometry myGeometryClasses.Torus {}
In this case, given the default search path, the Torus class
will be sought in the following locations, in the following order:
- shout3d.core.myGeometryClasses.Torus
- shout3d.sound.myGeometryClasses.Torus
- custom_nodes.myGeometryClasses.Torus
- myGeometryClasses.Torus (relative to the codebase)

Caveat -- you can't place class files too freely:
It is important that any class file be properly compiled to reside
in the directory where it is located. For example, in order to
place a working class file in the directory codebase\myProject,
The Java file would need to be compiled in that directory, and would
need to contain the line:
package myProject;

newSearchPath - a String representation of the new searchPath


public final java.lang.String getNodeSearchPath()
Returns a copy of the current node search path. See setNodeSearchPath for more info.
a copy of the current node search path


public final void loadURL(java.lang.String[] url,
                          Node root)
                   throws Shout3DException
Loads an URL into the node root. If isLoadResourcesInSeparateThread() is true, then this is done in a separate thread from the main thread. Otherwise, it is done in the same thread.
url - the URL to load
root - the scene, once loaded


public final Node createNodeFromString(java.lang.String stringToParse)
                                throws Shout3DException
Creates and returns Shout3D node by parsing the string given as an argument. If the string denotes a node that has children, those children will be added as well. If the string contains more than one top-level node, the returned node will be a Transform node containing all of the top-level nodes in the string. This method always loads the resource in the same thread as the main thread, regardless of the setting of isLoadResourcesInSeparateThread().
stringToParse - the string to parse
the node created by parsing the string


public final void setSceneFromURL(java.lang.String[] url)
                           throws Shout3DException
Loads an URL into the viewer's scene. This includes applying all of the applet parameters (headlight, anti-aliasing, etc) to the newly loaded scene. This is always done in the same thread as the main thread.
url - the URL to load


public final void setScene(Group root)
Replaces the scene in the Viewer This includes applying all of the applet parameters (headlight, anti-aliasing, etc) to the newly loaded scene.
root - the root of the new scene


public final Group getScene()
Gets the scene in the Viewer
the root of the scene


public final java.lang.String getProfile()
Gets a string denoting the profile of the current scene. The format of the returned string is yet to be specified.
the profile string


public final java.lang.String getVersion()
Gets a string denoting the version of this viewer.
the version string


public final Bindable getCurrentBindableNode(java.lang.String typeName)
                                      throws Shout3DException
Returns a reference to the currently bound node of the given type. Takes a string specifying a subclass of Bindable node as input. Throws an exception if the input type is not a bindable class of node
the currently bound node of the specified type


public final java.awt.Component getComponent()
Returns the Java Component in which the viewer is displayed
Specified by:
getComponent in interface Shout3DViewer
the Component


public final boolean addRoute(Field fromField,
                              Field toField)
                       throws Shout3DException
Adds a route that copies values from 'fromField' to 'toField' each time that fromField's value changes. 'toField' will, in turn, notify any listeners or routed fields of this change. Does not copy the value immediately from fromField to toField. So the values will not be made to match until setValue() is called on fromField. (Note: this behavior was different in prior to Shout3D 1.0.3. In Shout3D 1.0, 1.0.1, and 1.0.2, addRoute() would copy the value from fromField to toField, so the values would match after this call.) Note: Routes of ArrayFields copy by reference, not by value. This makes routing of ArrayFields efficient, since a value change does not cause a copy of the array contents. However, deleting the route does not undo the fact that both fields refer to the array in memory. (See deleteRoute for more info). Throws a Shout3DException if the two fields are not of the same type. Will not add a second route if a route already exists. Returns true if a route was added, false otherwise
Specified by:
addRoute in interface Shout3DViewer
fromField - the field from which values will be copied
toField - the field to which values will be copied
true if the route was added, false otherwise


public final boolean deleteRoute(Field fromField,
                                 Field toField)
Removes any existing route from fromField to toField Returns true if a route existed and was removed, false otherwise Note: Routes of ArrayFields copy by reference, not by value. (see addRoute) Deleting a route does not undo the fact that both fields refer to the array in memory. If you want to insure that the toField refers to unique memory, you should allocate a new value array of the same size as the source field, copy the values into the new array, and set this new array as the toField's value.
Specified by:
deleteRoute in interface Shout3DViewer
fromField - the field from which values will be copied
toField - the field to which values will be copied
true if the route was removed, false otherwise


public final boolean isRouted(Field fromField,
                              Field toField)
Checks if a route currently exists from fromField to toField
Specified by:
isRouted in interface Shout3DViewer
true if the route exists, false otherwise


public final void clearResourceCaches()
Clears the cache of loaded resources, freeing the memory that holds them. Normally, a texture, sound or Shout3d scene that is loaded by the applet is stored in a cache, so that if the resource is needed again, it does not need to be fetched by the server repeatedly. This method frees those caches, which frees memory while making it so that all resources will be fetched if they are requested anew. Note: Nodes (such as ImageTexture and JavaSound) store separate references to their resources. The caches are a second reference. So calling clearResourceCaches() will not cause any errors in the way those nodes function.
Specified by:
clearResourceCaches in interface Shout3DViewer


public final void setAntiAliased(boolean newVal)
Sets whether antialiasing is enabled. (Default is false) This performs antialiasing of edges of all geometry against the background.
Specified by:
setAntiAliased in interface Shout3DViewer
newVal - whether antialiasing should be enabled


public final boolean isAntiAliased()
Returns whether antialiasing is enabled
Specified by:
isAntiAliased in interface Shout3DViewer
whether antialiasing is currently enabled


public final void setBilinearFiltering(boolean newVal)
Sets whether bilinear filtering is enabled on textures. (Default is false) This results in higher quality, but slower rendering of the textures
Specified by:
setBilinearFiltering in interface Shout3DViewer
newVal - whether bilinear filtering should be enabled


public final boolean isBilinearFiltering()
Returns whether bilinear filtering is enabled on textures
Specified by:
isBilinearFiltering in interface Shout3DViewer
whether bilinear filtering is currently enabled


public final void setLoadResourcesInSeparateThread(boolean newVal)
Sets whether resources (textures and sounds) should be loaded in a separate thread from the main thread. (Default is true)
Specified by:
setLoadResourcesInSeparateThread in interface Shout3DViewer
newVal - whether resources should be loaded in a separate thread.


public final boolean isLoadResourcesInSeparateThread()
Returns whether resources should are being loaded in a separate thread.
Specified by:
isLoadResourcesInSeparateThread in interface Shout3DViewer
whether resources should are being loaded in a separate thread.


public final void setPanelAutoFillsApplet(boolean newVal)
Sets whether this applet's panel will automatically reshape itself to fill the entire size of this applet. (Default is false)
newVal - whether the autosizing will occur


public final boolean isPanelAutoFillsApplet()
Returns whether this applet's panel will automatically reshape itself to fill the entire size of this applet.
the current value


public void addJSFieldObserver(java.lang.String theNode,
                               java.lang.String theField,
                               java.lang.String methodName)
Adds a FieldObserver that will call back to the page
theNode - the Node
theField - the Field on the Node
methodName - the method on the page. This method must take a string as an argument


public void addJSDeviceObserver(java.lang.String typeName,
                                java.lang.String methodName)
Adds a DeviceObserver that will call back to the page
typeName - the type of input (i.e. "KeyboardInput")
methodName - the method on the page. This method must take an argument which will be the input class specified


public void addJSRenderObserver(boolean onPreRender,
                                java.lang.String methodName)
Adds a RenderObserver that will call back to the page.
onPreRender - true if the method should be called prior to rendering, false if it should be called after rendering is completed.
methodName - the method on the page. This method must take an argument which will be the input class specified


public final void setRenderLoopPaused(boolean isPaused)
Sets whether the rendering loop should be paused
Specified by:
setRenderLoopPaused in interface Shout3DViewer
isPaused -  


public final boolean isRenderLoopPaused()
Gets whether the rendering loop is currently paused
Specified by:
isRenderLoopPaused in interface Shout3DViewer
is the rendering loop paused


public final void renderOnce()
This method will render one frame if the render loop is paused. If the render loop is not paused, there is no effect. The rendering will include calls to the onPreRender and onPostRender of all the Renderer's registered RenderObservers.
Specified by:
renderOnce in interface Shout3DViewer


public final void setPixelDoubling(boolean enabled,
                                   boolean useSmoothStyle)
Sets whether pixel doubling is enabled on the view. (Default is false) This results in faster rendering but lower detail. Rendering is done at half the resolution of the panel, then the rendering is blown up to fill the entire panel. If useSmoothStyle is false, then each pixel of the lo-res image is drawn as a square of 2x2 pixels exactly the same. If useSmoothStyle is true, then some filtering is done to smooth the image out a bit. This method is slower but looks better in some cases. By default, pixel doubling is not enabled.
Specified by:
setPixelDoubling in interface Shout3DViewer
enabled - whether pixel doubling should be enabled
useSmoothStyle - if enabled is true, whether the doubling should be smooth style


public final boolean isPixelDoubling()
Returns whether pixel doubling is enabled.
Specified by:
isPixelDoubling in interface Shout3DViewer
whether pixel doubling is enabled


public final boolean isPixelDoublingSmooth()
Returns true if pixel doubling is enabled and the style in use is smooth style. Returns false otherwise
Specified by:
isPixelDoublingSmooth in interface Shout3DViewer